幾天後,我在Caer Verdant跟蓋文碰面,他看起來好多了
Gavin:「You have a true hunter's instincts Vailiant. That's exactly what we should do. 」
Gavin:「When the stag appears, we shall give chase until it tires. Together, we will harry it- and then, the beast shall be ours!」
Gavin:「Excellent work, Valiant. But now I must leave. And I will be talking the white stag with me.」
Gavin:「You're welcome to come of course. Your skills as a hunter would be an asset to the court. 」
我:「The Nightmare Court? Who are they, and what are you doing? Gavin, the stag go back to the Grove. Caithe is waiting for us there. 」
Gavin:「No, my noble friend. The white stag is coming with me. Once we turn it to the nightmare, the stag will be a powerful weapon against the Dream. 」
Gavin:「It is a manifestation of hope and faith. In nightmare, it will be just the opposite─ a creature of despair and hatred. 」
(這隻鹿代表著希望和信念。但在夢靨宮廷中,正好相反─ 一隻代表絕望與憎恨的動物)
Gavin:「Though its power, the pale Tree will be freed of the chain forged by Ventari's Tablet. 」
我:「A weapon? Gavin, it is wrong. The stag is a peaceful creature. You can't turn it into something cruel. 」
Gavin:「I can. We can. Come with me. You would be celebrated. Possibly even knighted by the grand duchess herself! 」
我:「No. Gavin. I'll never join the nightmare Court.」
Gavin:「Ah, that's a pity. It grieves me greatly to turn predator into prey. Valiant, but I cannot have you interfere. Farewell.」
(ノ⊙ 谷⊙)ノ=┻━┻