Caithe:「Dreamer, I am caithe, I need your help. Can you hear me where you are, within the dream?」
我:「Within the dream? What does that mean? Why do you look transparent?」
Caithe:「I am in Tyria, a land far away. Soon, you'll awaken here, but for now, you live in the Dream, I can't explain right now. We must hurry. something is poisoning the dream.」
我:「Poisoning the Dream? Of course, I will do whatever I can to help you,But why me?」
Caithe:「Your spirit is strong. Do not underestimate yourself. Head to the far embankment,and I'll meet you here.」
我:「Where am I?I...I was fighting a great evil. Are we safe? Caithe-whereis caithe?」
Mender Serimon;「Steady, sapling. you were calling out in your Dream. Caithe was just here, but she had to go speak to the Pale Tree.」
我:「She and I fought side by side against a poison in the Dream. I saw the shadow of a terrible dragon, and I felt the Dream call upon me to defeat it.」
Mender Serimon:「By the tree! A Wyld Hunt, so soon? And such a momentous task. To be a Vallant of the Wyld Hunt is a difficult charge. Bear this calling with pride.」
(真令人驚訝!這麼快又誕生了一個Wyld Hunt?好好享受這光榮的稱呼,這可不是可以簡單達成的任務呀。)
我:「I will. But how di I begin? One does not simply awaken and rush off to face a dragon.」
Mender Serimon:「You start here, in our forest, There were others hurt in the dream. they could use your help. Besides. It'll be fine training for a new valiant!」
恩....這樣排版不錯 繼續上吧